Life on the Trapeze

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The next topic is one near and dear to my heart—living AND thriving between the trapeze bars. We let go of one bar to reach for our future, but we flail and float until it arrives—praying there’s a really cushy net below. If we think about it most of life is between these bars. We can kid ourselves, especially in our business lives that we have constancy, security, predictability and control—all false. The only thing we can count on is that we truly have none of the above. Ask executive who is navigating their business growth and maintenance during a global pandemic. No two days are the same. Ask any parent who is now teacher, business owner, chef, errand runner—now two days are the same.

When we accept that our life is about those moments of insecurity we get calmer being tossed around. It makes risk less scary and more something we take with a calculation that is prudent and FUN! Knowing that the only thing to truly take us out is death we can remember how to rebound and know we are not alone. Our sessions remind me month after month how important support is and I cherish that we are here for each other.

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